Ralf Scherer

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Greta Thunberg

Hello everybody!
I used to be someone who was rather reserved with political statements. But there was an event a few months ago that shocked and disappointed me. It occupies me all the time and it just has to come out. A long planned exhibition was denied me out of the blue with a short personal message:

"If you continue to follow #gretathunberg, we won't make an exhibition together"

My photographic message and my personal attitude are directly connected. They stand for peace, love and tolerance. Simply for togetherness. Whoever does not want to accompany me on this path should jump into the lake. Anything else will not help humanity. Of course Greta Thunberg is instrumentalized. But she has initiated the biggest climate movement of all times. Capitalism lobbyism egoism and so on are even more perfidiously and misanthropically instrumentalized. This will destroy us all.

I had to let everything sink in after this news. At some point I realized that this was karma. I do not want to deal with negative people.

If you are someone who shares my values and ideals and is interested in a joint exhibition, please contact me.